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Global Economy to Plunge into Worst Recession since World War II: World Bank

Per capita incomes are expected to decline by 3.6%, which will tip millions of people into extreme poverty this year, the World Bank says in its June 2020 Glob...

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Between Fake News and Truth…

In these extraordinary times, like everywhere else in the world, fake news and misinformation are spreading like wildfire around Covid-19 and r...

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Justice for Women Amidst COVID-19

A new report documents major challenges to women’s access to justice in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and puts forth recommendations...

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Life expectancy gaps driven by uneven access to health care services: WHO

In many circumstances, men access health care less than women. Men are much more likely to die from preventable and treatable non-com...

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Thousands of Followers and Friends, and yet a Lonely Generation

Report says nearly half of the Millennials feel isolated. Loneliness is a significant problem that can predispose young children to immediate a...

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Kate Folb on 'Creative Alliance Partnerships for Global Health and Sustainability' at Elevate 2K18

Kate Langrall Folb, Director, Hollywood Health & Society, University of Southern California speaks at Elevate 2K18, Mumbai. She shared her experience working with HH&am...

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Domestic violence, abuse and neglect reduce children’s growth and development

From birth to age five, a child’s brain develops more than at any other time in life. And early brain development has a lasting impact on...

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UN Secretary-General António Guterres: Global response to HIV/AIDS stands at a crossroads

World AIDS Day is held on the 1st December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV/AIDS, sh...

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Astana Declaration commits to achieve Universal Health Coverage

The United Nations Member States have promised to strengthen primary health care as an ‘essential’ step towards achieving universal...

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ASHA workers can play a Significant Role in managing Non-communicable Diseases

India is a country where quality health care remains a privilege of the rich and influential. But a silent army of women, clad in pink sarees, ...

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