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Monojit Lahiri does an interview-based close-up of the contentious issue of training and investigates if it helped actors brea...

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NSD & Bollywood

Who is doing for whom? Monojit Lahiri does an interview-based close-up of this contentious issue.

Fast and Furious: Varun Inamdar

A secret I have to reveal, if I must go forward with this interview with Varun Inamdar, is that my bedtime stor...

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Run, trailer, run

Khalid Mohamed checks out the Laxmmi Bomb trailer, the by-now iconic series Jamtara and the aptly-titled Poison 2

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In Exile: The last years of M.F. Husain

Khalid Mohamed rewinds to an interview with M.F. Husain, the peerless artist, who had to spend his end-years jet-hopping betwe...

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Christmas Traditions across the World

It is that time of the year again. When we welcome joy and good cheer into our homes, when we sing carols, wear our best, cook feasts, and cele...

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Master Magician Ricky Jay’s death grieved by Hollywood

Legendary Magician and Actor Ricky Jay died at 72. He was an American stage magician, actor, bibliophile, and writer. Described in a 1993 ...

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Physically Challenged but Mentally Strong

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.  - Scott Hamilton

When you hear the term &ls...

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Celebrity Circus and Media

Andy Warhol famously said that everyone in the world would be famous for fifteen minutes.

Hyperbole per...

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Pamela Anderson Offers To Drink Guinness With Taoiseach When Animal Circuses Are Banned In Ireland

Icon and long-time animal advocate Pamela Anderson has written to Taoiseach Enda Kenny urging him to support the Prohibition of Wild Animals in Circuses Bill 2017, which wa...

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