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Brief Encounters

Female bonding is rare in Bollywood movies, so a play about strangers meeting in a railway waiting room on a stormy night has been doing well in multiple languages.  Read More

UN WOMEN captures Unique and Powerful Stories of Women from around the World

UN launches a way to capture unique and powerful stories of people around the world.

"From where I stand..." is a new series launched on UN Women that captures the ...

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Generation Z: Don't genders other than homosexuality and heterosexuality exist?

There has been a generational shift in sexuality, shows research carried out by polling company Ipsos Mori for the BBC. As confusing as this might sound to some - and at ti...

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The Theory of Why Teenagers Take Risks More Than Adults

Research has always said that teens might be making bad and risky decisions because their brain is not fully developed at that age, but Dr. Dan Romer and his colleagues at ...

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The State - Unflinching Drama on the IS death cult.

Somehow, we all agree to have squandered our hours away facebooking, but some people out there have ended up selling their own youth, unacceptably for the sake of false cla...

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The Sad Clown

There is a condition called the sad clown syndrome, which states that people who make others laugh, are often unhappy or depressed. That’s probably why a traditional ...

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Big Switch: Teens Work on Leaving No Footprints Behind for the Future Generations

The world has been shedding its green skin interminably, courtesy human intervention in it’s natural process. But hitherto we were paying least attention to the lurki...

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Did Children Build The Ancient City Of Amarna?

New evidence from Akhenaten’s capital suggests that a ‘disposable’ workforce of children and teenagers provided much of the labour for the city’s co...

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Teenagers' Sleep Quality & Mental Health At Risk Over Late-Night Mobile Phone Use

Researchers advise ‘physical boundaries’ over devices in bedrooms after study finds poor sleep associated with phone use linked to depressed moods Teenagers&rsq...

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Second Scout Film Festival Hits Stowe This Weekend

Those darned whippersnappers and their smartphones and television screens! Don’t they know that back in the day, we read books for entertainment! We went out and play...

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