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A Portrait in words and pictures: Seema Kapoor

Isolation amidst the tranquillity of the scenic environs of Jhalawar in Rajasthan  made Seema Kapoor address this article, writes ...

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Eternal Virgin: Setsuko Hara

Among iconic names like Ozu, Kurosawa, Immamura and Koreeda is the name of Setsuko Hara who is celebrated as the ‘Eternal Virgin’, ...

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In gentle streets where people play

I first met Suryaveer (it tickles my Panjabiat to call him Veera) in the year 2004, writes Vinta Nanda

Signs of the times: Unanswered Questions

I’m not being a pessimist but a realist in stating aloud that these last eight months have been suffocati...

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VERSA India will be a fifty-fifty joint venture between VERSA and Mogaé Consultants, owned by Sandeep & Tanya Goyal. Read More

Pope Takes A Stand On Same-sex Union

Various Catholic professionals talk to Monarose Sheila Pereira about their perspectives on Pope Francis’ stand on same-s...

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Poet with a social commitment: Sahir Ludhianvi

Terribly disturbed by his dear and younger friend Mohammad Rafi's demise on July 31, 1980, Sahir also followed suit after a few months, writes ...

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Should brand purpose intrude religion?

Dr Sandeep Goyal deconstructs the controversy surrounding the outrage over the Tanishq advertisement and asks a few questions ...

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Remembered: Mulk Raj Anand

Humra Quraishi recalle her conversations with one of India’s most perceptive writers, Mulk Raj Anand, who spoke about th...

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Such Desperate Measures

Khalid Mohamed reviews the thriller Flat 211, the spy drama London Confidential and more showing currently on the streaming ch...

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