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This Mother’s Day Help the Moms in Crisis

Last Sunday was Mother's Day. You would probably know about it, thanks to the zillion social media posts that w...

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Education is World’s Vaccine against Terrorism

Terrorist attacks and their aftermath have had a powerful impact on families, especially children. In Douma, Sy...

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Male Contraceptives to Help Reduce Birth-Control Burden on Women

Females have a plethora of contraception to choose from, including long-term solutions like the IUD and the imp...

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The Buzz of Betrayal of Innocence

Sexual abuse and exploitation of children is taking on phenomenal proportions and we continue not to acknowledge it. This animated Public Se...

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Cannes in Support of Films made by Dissident Directors

The 71st Annual Cannes Film Festival is scheduled to be held from 8 to 19 May 2018. Asghar Farhadi's psych...

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Managers at Work can help fix the Diversity Issue

Talk of diversity in the workplace is nothing new, but as more individuals, organizations, and politicians spea...

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Women and Men who risk Death Everyday

Manual scavenging is one of deadliest occupations in the world, and starkest examples of the continuing blight ...

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Role Reversal to address Domestic Abuse

In what countries are women and men on the most equal footing?

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Study Reveals Fall in Justice Globally

A recent study revealed that there has been a fall in people getting basic justice worldwide. The Read More

Sustainable Development in Capitalistic and Modern Societies

It’s no secret that economic growth and energy have come at the cost of environmental degradation. In answer to this challenge, sustai...

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