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GoodPitch Local: Call For Gender-Themed Media Projects

The GoodPitch Local Deccan program invites gender-themed media projects to create social impact

Mission Possible

Dr. Kishore Madhwani writes on the largest vaccination programme in the world, which kickstart...

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Goodbye FarmVille! It was fun harvesting.

On 31 December, Zynga shut it down, 11 years after a glorious start, writes Carol Goyal


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The National Education Policy (NEP) is not a constitutional document

An analysis, a comparison with the previous policies and development in the new one by Hrishi Ra...

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I Want To Live Life By ‘Doing Nothing’

A bit of a late realization, but a self-discovery nevertheless arrived at after much introspection, writes Dr. Sandeep Goyal <...

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Behind Every Successful COVID Vaccine Is A Woman

At least in the field of vaccine development, women have shown that they are capable of delivering a safer world. More power to our new sheroes...

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Rajeshwari: Queen of her roles

Aparajita Krishna zooms in on Rajeshwari Sachdev of a delicate, petite frame, who has a very commanding acting presence and rules the little ki...

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My city, my friend

Khalid Mohamed in a chat fest with Harshad Rajadhyaksha, Chief Creative Officer at the Ogilvy ad agency, on his passion for st...

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Is Conscious AI & Smart Robots Possible?

Even the most advanced Artificial intelligence (AI) systems have no real understanding of what they are really doing, writes Dr. Anurag...

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Where Time Stands Still

Novelist and writer, Adithi Rao, pens a tribute to the famed Mount Carmel College of Bangalore, alma mater to Margaret Alva, D...

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