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The Journalist and the storyteller: Sujata S Sabnis

Everybody is talking about Sujata S Sabnis’ latest book Blood on the Sands, writes Vinta N...

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My world view: Deepika Deshpande-Amin

It’s a fascinating journey to go down a long winding road with a friend - when the conversation is nothin...

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Reopening educational institutions

Professionals from the educational field talk to Monarose Sheila Pereira and discuss...

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Signs Of The Modern Times

As the friction accelerates between the Centre and the Kashmiri leaders in the  Kashmir Valley, how I wish...

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The Scattered Rainbow

Darshan Mondkar has been a social and political commentator since 2010, writes Vinta Nanda in this piece compiled by her. &nbs...

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Signs of the times: Colour of black is dark

Humra Quraishi comments on the hypocrisy of policy making in Kashmir, the communal colour being given to traditional education...

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Web talent on the rise but…

The fresh acting talent on the OTT platforms could rewrite the rules of Bollywood’s age-old star system but… are they promoted suf...

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Fly in the ointment: TRP’s

When ‘life’ jives with storytelling evolution happens, writes Vinta Nanda


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Meet the Raging Bull

Khalid Mohamed reviews Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story, Ginny Weds Sunny and High – the latest fare on streaming plat...

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India's soft power - the unrealized potential

Where does India stand in the latest rankings on leveraging its soft power, asks Amit Khanna