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Woman of Song: Usha Khanna

Dhruv Somani makes a case to revisit Usha Khanna, one of Bollywood’s few and certainly the most prolific and popular women composers.


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Hollywood icon: The Rock

Khalid Mohamed reviews the Netflix mini-series, Hollywood, which in part attempts to depict the story of the iconic Rock Hudson’s struggl...

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Ray lives on

His films are what Akira Kurosawa’s are to Japanese cinema, Robert Bresson’s to France and Michelangeo Antonioni to Italy. Khalid M...

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Panchayat: Apna Gaon Apna Desh

Three cheers to Panchayat, a binge-worthy series at long last, in these stricken times - Khalid Mohamed

The Legend of Siddharth

I wanted to interview Siddharth for The Daily Eye for some time now and although he was reluctant and shy, I managed to corner him the other da...

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Witchy Brew

In common usage, the word chudail describes an aggressive or quarrelsome woman—could be said to be the Indian equivalent of bitch.  ...

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Who wants to be a Millionaire? – Vinod Pande

We think we know them well. However, when you venture out to ask them questions you thought you had all the answers for, like I did, you discov...

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Bollywood’s leap out of the closet

“It is an old stereotype, that homosexuality has to do only with sex while heterosexuality is multifaceted and embraces love and romance....

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‘Evening Shadows’ is on cloud nine!

Award winning feature film ‘Evening Shadows’ is screening on in-flight entertainment service.

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Producer, Director and Actor Rajiv Kapoor, shared this precious piece written by his school mate John Mani, with me on Whatsapp last night and I publish it here in The ...

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