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Can We Eradicate Poverty By 2030?

The poverty rate in the developing world has more than halved since 1981. Back then, 52% of people in developing countries lived on less than $...

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Third Pole, World’s third-largest mass of Frozen Fresh Water in Danger

We've all heard of the North Pole and the South, the world’s two polar regions. However, there is a regio...

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The Academy's Internship Program enhances Diversity in the Industry

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, last year, announced a new initiative aimed at fostering stude...

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Women and Girls with Disabilities more likely to experience Violence

A study published in the Lancet says that both children and adults with disabilities are at much higher risk (u...

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‘Rebel Women: The Great Art Fightback’ - A Story not told Enough

In April 1971, the police closed down London's first overtly one-woman feminist art show after just one day, on the grounds of indecency. At...

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Female Sexuality Needs a Nuanced Direction in Bollywood

Female sexuality is one of the least explored themes in Bollywood, probably due to the fact that filmmakers see...

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Best TV Shows of 2018

Every year I come across a list of best TV shows, this year isn't any different for that matter. There's a lot ...

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The Changing Face of the Shopping Paradiso, London’s Oxford Street

If it’s London, it’s Oxford Street, that manic shopping centre where the stilleto-heeled trot by st...

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Movies You Wouldn’t Want To Miss This Summer

I always look forward to summer, mainly because of the summer break. I list down the unexecuted tasks which I p...

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Society’s Gendered Double Standards for One’s Vulnerability

There was a time when men were dismissed as an ‘emotion-less’ gender. Because of the way boys are socialized, their ability to d...

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