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Can We Eradicate Poverty By 2030?

The poverty rate in the developing world has more than halved since 1981. Back then, 52% of people in developing countries lived on less than $...

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Child Health and Development Guidelines required to meet the 2030 SDGs

Millions of parents seek health care for their sick children everyday. They take them to hospitals, health cent...

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Empowering Adolescents through Collaboration

By delaying adolescent pregnancy, India could add an estimated 12 percent to its GDP, stated a report ‘ Read More

The SDG Report Card 2018: A Reality Check

It is indeed true that the World Bank is one of the world’s largest producers of development data and res...

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Indonesian Beach Club first to take the UN ‘Climate Neutral Now Pledge’

In December 2015, the whole world came together to sign the Paris Agreement, a global climate change agreement ...

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The Himalayan Biodiversity in Jeopardy

The aesthetic beauty of Himalayas is indescribable in words. Let's dig into some facts: The Indian Himalayan re...

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A Project to track our Ecological Footprints

‘Development’ is shorthand for committing to well-being for all. ‘Sustainable’ implies ...

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How churches step in to achieve UN SDG’s

On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development — adopted by world leade...

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UN WOMEN captures Unique and Powerful Stories of Women from around the World

UN launches a way to capture unique and powerful stories of people around the world.

"From where I stand..." is a new series launched on UN Women that captures the ...

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The ‘Sustainable Award’ Category for the first time at Cannes Lions

Often a life-rewarding experience, taking part in or initiating a sustainable development project didn’t have a reward yet. There is the magnificent and prestigious N...

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