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CRISPR: The Genetic Scissors Natural V/s Unnatural

CRISPR can help the cacao to become infection resistant and save it from extinction – so that we do not h...

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A Woman on the verge of abundance: Antara Lahiri

Vinta Nanda connects with the film editor Antara Lahiri, and brings to you this very interesting conversation that she had wit...

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Behind Every Successful COVID Vaccine Is A Woman

At least in the field of vaccine development, women have shown that they are capable of delivering a safer world. More power to our new sheroes...

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Is Conscious AI & Smart Robots Possible?

Even the most advanced Artificial intelligence (AI) systems have no real understanding of what they are really doing, writes Dr. Anurag...

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The Death Of Death…

You could one day be never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream, writes Dr Anurag Yadav

Office Pods and the new normal

Dr Anurag Yadav wonders if the employers making policies to work from home, will reduce travel...

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Sudden Impact: In Conversation with Harsh Chhaya

Khalid Mohamed interviews Harsh Chhaya, whose performance as a despotic Papaji in the series U...

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Global Economy to Plunge into Worst Recession since World War II: World Bank

Per capita incomes are expected to decline by 3.6%, which will tip millions of people into extreme poverty this year, the World Bank says in its June 2020 Glob...

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Those Magnificent Women and their Flying Machines

The more you want to know Mini Vaid the more there is to her that remains unknown. An author, filmmaker, journalist and television reporter...

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Of human bondage: National award-winning photo-journalist’s S.L. Shanth Kumar’s believe-it-or-not real-life story

He snagged this year’s National Award for the Best Professional Photographer on the theme of Women-led Development. Right now, he’s...

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