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It’s déjà vu time, one more time in the world’s most prestigious and revered film fest. Monojit Lahiri Read More

Dazzling Array Of Indian LGBTQ+ Films at KASHISH

30 Indian LGBTQ+ films to be screened at Liberty Cinema from June 1-5, 2022, reports The Daily Eye Newsdesk 

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Soundman’s debut directorial venture wins applause

A titular documentary on his daily routine has just won the Second Best Documentary award at the 7th Bengal International Short Film Festival (...

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Those Fashion Classics

Khalid Mohamed sizes up Hollywood’s retro-chic, which continues to be the stuff that timeless fashion statements are mad...

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Rhythm ‘n’ Blues

Megha Ramaswamy’s documentary, The Last Music Store, entices Khalid Mohamed to stroll down the memory lanes of Rhythm Ho...

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Family Ties

Film historian Dhruv Somani salutes the Kapoors, the first family of Indian cinema.

Business culture, work environments are usually based on hierar...

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A Laudable Effort Undone by Static Telling

8/12 Binay Badal Dinesh Review by Shantanu Ray Chaudhury.

It remains one of the most dari...

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Abanindranath Tagore: The enigmatic original who wrote art and painted words

The founder of the Indian Society of Oriental Art, Abanindranath Tagore’s work defies any straightjacketing, writes Shantanu Ray ...

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Kitu Gidwani: Distinctly Yours!

Aparajita Krishna flashbacks and forward with the life and times of Kitu Gidwani – an actor with, perhaps, the most well...

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Flights For Freedom

Call for film submissions and Wendell Rodricks International Poster Design Contest are open. The theme for South Asia’s biggest LGBTQA+ F...

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