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Widening the Definition of Literature with Bob Dylan

The word ‘literature’ in a dictionary covers many genres of achievement and is the generic name for many sins, writes Farrukh Dhondy. Neverthel...

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Sagar Sawarkar & the Indian Idol Connect!

Aparajita Krishna travels with Sagar Sawarkar’s musical journey and shares her experience with us.

Adil Hussain: The Uncrowned Czar of independent cinema

Sharad Raj walks you through his experience of working with the actor par excellence Adil Hussain.

Three Colours: Red - A celluloid poem

Mallika Bhaumik reviews Krztysztof Kieślowski’s Three Colours Red and reads the auteur’s mind while elucidating her own thoughts ...

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Reel Nurses

Film historian Dhruv Somani, recalls the Florence Nightingales of Bollywood cinema.