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Whose normal is it anyway?

Vandana Kumar goes around John Cassavettes’ ‘A Woman Under the Influence’ and discusses how Independent Cine...

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Those Guilty Pleasures

Film historian Dhruv Somani, writes on those traditional mandatory things we sorely miss in the movies today.

Creating a better world for women

On this International Women's Day 2021 on 8thRead More

Journey of a Passionate Tale-Spinner

Janaky Sreedharan presents Nabanita Deshmukh, a storyteller who follows a unique process to engage with children.

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CRISPR: The Genetic Scissors Natural V/s Unnatural

CRISPR can help the cacao to become infection resistant and save it from extinction – so that we do not h...

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Signs of the times: Anthems of Resistance

Humra Quraishi questions the idea of human rights in times when basic things like food securit...

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My world view: Deepika Deshpande-Amin

It’s a fascinating journey to go down a long winding road with a friend - when the conversation is nothin...

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M K RAINA: A salutation and exploration

Again and this one is vast - Aparajita Krishna walks you through the life of social activist and actor MK Raina. So far, so, s...

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Should brand purpose intrude religion?

Dr Sandeep Goyal deconstructs the controversy surrounding the outrage over the Tanishq advertisement and asks a few questions ...

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Fly in the ointment: TRP’s

When ‘life’ jives with storytelling evolution happens, writes Vinta Nanda


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