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The Dying Art Of Film Projectionists: In Pictures

As film gives way to digital, Richard Nicholson gained access to an endangered habitat where most cinema-goers never venture – the projection box – to document ...

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How Important Is It To Get To A Doctor In Time

The people of Pimpaldhara village are losing many precious lives just because no vehicle can reach them due to lack of roads. We appeal to our readers to help these village...

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For Google's Cloud, 18 Minutes Of Downtime Is An Eternity

On Monday night, Google's Compute Engine went dark for 18 minutes. The Engine itself was whirring away just fine, but incoming internet traffic to its servers was misrouted...

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True Review Movie - Fan

Cast: Shah Rukh Khan

Direction: Maneesh Sharma

Produced: Aditya Chopra, Yash Raj Films

Writer: Habib Faisal

Genre: Action, Drama.


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Trans Performance Artiste Fights Invisible Oppressor, But Who?

On Saturday evening, gallery guides at Los Angeles museum The Broad ushered visitors, in groups of 15, down a set of stairs to the empty museum parking lot, where they were...

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True Review Movie - The Jungle Book

Cast: Neel Sethi, Bill Murray, Ben Kingsley,Idris Elba, Lupita Nyong'o, Scarlett Johansson, Giancarlo Esposito, Christopher Walken.

Direction: Jon Favreau.


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What's On At The Spanish Film Festival 2016 In Canberra

It wasn't that long ago, well maybe it was 20 years, when for many of us moviegoers Spanish cinema was synonymous with the work of Pedro Almodovar. And vice versa. His film...

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On Paper Electrified Villages; In Reality, Darkness

Haldu Khata, a village in Bijnor district of Uttar Pradesh, is one of the 7,008 villages that the government claims to have “electrified” in the last year, unde...

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Artist Folds Photographs Into Endless Geometric Sculptures

German artist Christiane Feser cuts and folds photographs into expansive, abstract panoramas. Her U.S. solo debut at Los Angeles’s Von Lintel Gallery stages a diverse...

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Conservationists Make Contact With Rare Sumantran Rhino

The Sumatran rhino, the smallest of living rhinoceroses, is critically endangered. One of three Asian rhino types, it’s known for its two horns and dark, bristly hair...

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