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Cheap Electricity for Poor Squeezing Out Solar in India

The villagers of Dharnai in northern India had been living without electricity for more than 30 years when Greenpeace installed a microgrid to supply reliable, low-cost sol...

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It took only two days for Abbott's 'conversion' to climate change to be exposed

Prime Minister Tony Abbott's apparent, if modest, conversion to the idea that climate change was an "important subject" following talks with French president Francois Holla...

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It took only two days for Abbott's 'conversion' to climate change to be exposed

Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s apparent, if modest, conversion to the idea that climate change was an “important subject” following talks with French presid...

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India’s Lethal Birth Control

There’s no secret to reducing population growth: Women who are informed about and given access to contraception choices have fewer children. Yet India persists in a c...

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U.S. and China Reach Climate Deal After Months of Talks

BEIJING ? China and the United States made common cause on Wednesday against the threat of climate change, staking out an ambitious joint plan to curb carbon emissions as a...

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Your brain on climate change: why the threat produces apathy, not action

Many people aren?t responding to mounting evidence of the huge impacts of climate change. Neuroscience helps explain why ? and the key role that businesses can play...

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Climate change is a problem. But our attempts to fix it could be worse than useless

Panicked, ill-thought-through responses to the threat of climate change could hurt more people than they save

The UN Climate Panel came out with it...

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Rajasthan to introduce Pentavalent Vaccine

Rajasthan is all set to introduce pentavalent vaccine under the routine immunisation plan from November 1.As many as 16 lakh children in the State will receive the vaccine ...

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Injectable polio vaccine more effective than oral one: Experts

The Injectable Polio Vaccine (IPV) is more effective than the oral one, experts said here on Tuesday. They emphasised that though the IPV was expensive, it carries the inac...

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Modi needs to do a Swacch Regulation programme in the energy sector

The Union Cabinet’s decision to auction cancelled coal blocks was announced by finance minister Arun Jaitley on Monday with only a passing reference that the governme...

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