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Netflix’s Documentaries are Food for the Brain

7 Documentaries To Watch On Netflix That Will Make You Smarter

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Meet Barnali Ray Shukla; A Writer, Director and Poet

Barnali Ray Shukla dons many hats – that of a writer-director, a documentary filmmaker and a poet. She has worked in movies like <...

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Bosnia’s War Childhood Museum Goes Global

As stated by UNICEF itself, children are especially vulnerable to abuse, exploitation and trafficking during em...

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Best TV Shows of 2018

Every year I come across a list of best TV shows, this year isn't any different for that matter. There's a lot ...

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Call him the Kabuliwala ...

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Exceptional and Soul-stirring Films at the 5th Illuminate Film Festival

For most people, films are the idea of entertainment. Be it rich or poor to educated and uneducated, films infl...

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Bhamla Foundation: Working for a Greater Cause

The World Environment Day is the UN's most important da...

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Women Worth More Than A Billion

Women are making a mark in fields as diverse as technology, research, investment and entrepreneurship in today'...

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Love Hurts And Love Heals

When Isabel Allende’s The House of the Spirits came in 1985, it became an international bestseller. The Chil...

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The Perils of the Use and Abuse of Social Media

Humans, by nature, have loved to communicate and share stories and views since the beginning of time. Who would...

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