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Stan Lee to be a part of TEDxGateway for the first time in Mumbai

To discuss his first Indian Superhero, CHAKRA THE INVINCIBLE!

Mumbai, December, 2013: Stan Lee, Chairman and Chief Creative Officer of POW! Entertainment and the co...

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"I am serving with UNICEF and it means a lot to me", Sachin Tendulkar

Cricket maestro Sachin Tendulkar, who recently retired from cricket, has started the second innings of his life as the UNICEF ambassador for South Asia. Tendulkar in the ca...

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Eye Makeup Used To Protect Children Can Poison Them Instead

The parents said they were using the kajal to promote eye health.   When health workers tested the kajal in the family’s home, the eyeliner turned out to be...

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Happiness: A Goal Worth Pursuing

As daunting as it may be, defining what makes us happy is imperative in modern society. The Neolithic revolution, which took place approximately 12 thousand years ago, was ...

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Watch the ideas take shape, as the city holds the 4th edition of TEDxGateway

~ 26 influential speakers share their innovations for the first time in India ~


~ ...

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Bringing Obama care To Your Favorite TV Show. Foundation spending $500K to educate TV writers on new healthcare law.

A private California foundation has raised half-a-million dollars to promote the new health care reform law on TV shows by educating script writers about it.

The Ca...

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The Day After Everyday or Krrish 3: Which will allow us a superheroine?

Less than a week after it was uploaded, Anurag Kashyap’s short film, The Day After Everyday, has had 1,205,910 hits (and counting). In over 21 minutes, Kashyap shows ...

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From Plates that Grow Food to Certified Cocoa: UN Awards Innovative Green Enterprises at Green Economy Symposium

Fully biodegradable plates implanted with organic seeds in Colombia to provide food after use, a social media website to promote car-sharing in Viet Nam,certified cocoa for...

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4 Assam schools show way to protect nature

GUWAHATI: Respect for nature and environment cannot be inculcated in a day. But if ingrained from childhood, an individual can grow up to become a responsible citizen.


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Strengthening African health systems

A group of current and former African finance ministers discussed ways to improve the management of public health systems at an early October roundtable convened by Harvard...

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