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Software to review maternal deaths to be launched in 4 dists

The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare will implement maternal death review (MDR) software as a pilot project in Srinagar, Kulgam, and Jammu, Ramban districts. The...

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Maternal vitamin D deficiency associated with preterm birth

Preterm birth is a leading cause of neonatal mortality worldwide and has even been associated with long-term health problems for the mother. While the cause of preterm birt...

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Ed Davey voices concerns over likelihood of strong climate change agreement

Energy and climate change secretary Ed Davey has revealed that the UK will be seeking a legally binding climate change agreement at negotiations later this year. However, h...

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Bollywood Nights benefits children here and in India

St. Petersburg, Florida – The Tampa Museum of Art is of course no stranger to color, but on Feb. 21 an event takes place there that boosts color to a whole new level....

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2014 Lima Climate Change Talks Had Little For India As Risks Rise

The recently concluded UN climate change conference in the Peruvian capital Lima eventually ended up mimicking its previous versions in style and content with little to ach...

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Improving child and maternal health care in rural areas

Taking a leaf out of Prime Minister Narendra Modi?? pioneering Digital India campaign, HLFPPT has launched an innovative e-ASHA training programme in the remote Suvali bloc...

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United Nations' Decade of Education for Sustainable Development ends on December 31 this year

He years from 2005 to 2014 were declared as the United Nations General Assembly as the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) following the Johannesburg Pla...

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TV Today

Over the last year, 2014, I spent many days meeting with programming executives from the various leading networks of India. From all these talks, varying from the programmi...

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Why is the World aiming for Sustainability?

To decide the narrative for this article has been quite a task. There are so many approaches to address the issue at hand, I could have been the cynic and looked back on al...

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Pentavalent to replace traditional vaccination methods from Jan mid

In order to replace the traditional method of vaccination of newborn, the state health and family welfare department is all set to launch ??entavalent??vaccination in secon...

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