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Old Railway Coaches to shelter the Homeless this Winter

Winter is here! While we are lucky enough to spend the nights snugged up in a warm and cosy blanket, the down-and-outers don't even have a roof over their head. In November...

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#MeToo & #BalanceTonPorc - Women’s Global Fight against Harassment goes Online


The recent allegations against film mogul Harvey Weinstein have sparked a global conversation about the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace. Women, n...

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Stranger Things 2: Stranger-er, Creepier, Darker

When Stranger Things made a silent entry with its first season and first of its kind show; little had anyone anticipated it was here to leave a solid mark or rather so not ...

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The Little Directors of Dr Shravan Kumar

Dr. Shravan Kumar, CEO, Children’s Film Society, India says,“Our concept of Little Directors has been one of the most unique experiments anywhere in the wor...

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Disciplining your Child, the Right Way

Young children who are punished in a wrong way are often the ones who need the most social and academic support — and they end up missing opportunities to get it. Wha...

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A Glimpse into the Morelia International Film Festival 2017

The Impulso Morelia of the Morelia International Film Festival (FICM) presents an exclusive program of Mexican feature films in post-production with the objective of offeri...

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The Resurgence of Yacht Rock and other Soft Music

Earlier when artists came out in open declaring their love for soft music, they were met with bafflement while right now they are appreciated.

More and more younger...

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Can Men be Allies among the many ‘Harvey Weinsteins’ in the Industry?

Anthony Bourdain is known as the strutting chef who kicked a drug habit, wrote a best-selling confessional Kitchen Confidential, and became an internationally recognized te...

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Madiba – A Tribute to History’s Favorite Son

Benevolence is a trait that obviates the need for an introduction and benevolent legends have their names going down in history as its favorite son.  Madiba is a three...

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Will Technology fuel a Man-Machine Struggle for Power?

Recently I read that Sophia is going to be the first robot to be granted citizenship of Saudi Arabia. She was interviewed by business writer Andrew Ross Sorkin at ...

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