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Facebook CEO Zuckerberg tops 2013 charity giving list

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg led the way on the giving list for U.S. philanthropists, gifting a Silicon Valley foundation with nearly $1 billion along with his wife, Pr...

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Methane Hydrates and Global Warming

Off the coast of Svalbard methane gas flares originating from gas hydrate deposits at depth of several hundred metres have been observed regularly. A new study conducted by...

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Food security, water and climate change

So much—good and not-so-good—happened last year on a local, regional, national and international level when it comes to sustainability issues. An attempt to be ...

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The Year the World Bank Fused Sustainable Development with Its Goals for the Future

The World Bank Group set two ambitious goals in 2013, and in the process made clear that one concept will underlie its actions toward both: sustainability.

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Trebling tobacco tax ‘could prevent 200 million early deaths’

(Reuters) – Trebling tobacco tax globally would cut smoking by a third and prevent 200 million premature deaths this century from lung cancer and other diseases, rese...

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Researchers Use Hubble Telescope to Reveal Cloudy Weather On Alien World

A team of scientists led by researchers in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Chicago report they have definitively characterized the atmosph...

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Vitamin E may slow progression of Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers say vitamin E might slow the progression of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease — the first time any treatment has been shown to alter the course o...

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The Lesser known Farooque Shaikh

We all knew of his talent as an actor, his passion for theatre and the dexterity with which he anchored enjoyable television programs. The discussed these we bid farewell t...

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Stevie Wonder Does a Charlie Sheen, Donates $100,000 To Help Girl Fight Cancer

In the aftermath of Charlie Sheen donating $75,000 to help a 10-year-old girl battling cancer, legendary singer Stevie Wonder has made a bigger donation than Sheen. Wonder ...

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UK gives £12.5m aid for South Sudan refugees

The government has announced a £12.5m aid package for families fleeing the violence in South Sudan.

At least 180,000 people have been forced fr...

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