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My world view: Deepika Deshpande-Amin

It’s a fascinating journey to go down a long winding road with a friend - when the conversation is nothin...

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I want to act, not be famous: Arif Zakaria

Aparajita Krishna tells us, that Arif Zakaria was born in a very respected Konkani Muslim family in Bombay.


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At Vanishing Point

As one more beautifully-architected bungalow on Little Gibbs Road bites the dust, Khalid Mohamed writes on the changing face o...

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M K RAINA: A salutation and exploration

Again and this one is vast - Aparajita Krishna walks you through the life of social activist and actor MK Raina. So far, so, s...

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The Legend Of Bhai Dooj

In this piece adapted from hearsay, Vinta Nanda writes that Bhai Dooj also has a story to follow.

For Hind...

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Homes, Bollywood Homes

Khalid Mohamed writes on some of the impressive star homes in B-town.

There’s somet...

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A Bouquet of Talks

This is a bouquet of assorted fragrances, writes Aparajita Krishna

These are narrations t...

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Meet the Raging Bull

Khalid Mohamed reviews Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story, Ginny Weds Sunny and High – the latest fare on streaming plat...

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Have camera, will travel

Itinerant photographer, Ashis Ghatak, writes on the myriad pleasures of travel photography

Rameshwari wahi jo sab ka man bhaaye

Aparajita Krishna takes us with her on a journey through Rameshwari’s life - from a student of acting to becoming a film star, wife, m...

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