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Office Pods and the new normal

Dr Anurag Yadav wonders if the employers making policies to work from home, will reduce travel...

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In Good Company

Here are a few famous people Vinta Nanda has sourced and found that they rolled a joint and smoked in a high once in a while.<...

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From Activism to Slacktivism

Amit Khanna writes that even as hundreds of millions wake up to a good morning message from friends and family, an equal if no...

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Kill kill, bang bang

Khalid Mohamed reviews  the cop flick Class of ’83 and more fare streaming on the channels currently.

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Seema Kohli: From the canvas of her life and art

Aparajita Krishna deep dives to Seema Kohli’s work and brings to you her thoughts, which influence her art.

Media & Entertainment: Tomorrow is another day

Amit Khanna explains why COVID-19 is undeniably accelerating change in the way we live life and consume entertainment.

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Little Wonders: The Vanishing Child Stars

Film historian, Dhruv Somani, writes on Bollywood’s little wonders whose fame faded on turning adults.

Over my dead body

Aroona Bhat decodes the last breath; the many times people inhale and exhale before they take it. She figures, that life&rsquo...

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Meet Roshni Nuggehalli and Marina Joseph of YUVA

In this time of Covid-19, the world has witnessed upheaval in almost every sphere of life while impacting the s...

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Vanished III: The male actors who disappeared from Bollywood

Film historian, Dhruv Somani, concludes his series on t...

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