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Young female smokers at higher risk of most common type of breast cancer

A new study has revealed that young women, who have been smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for a decade, are at higher risk of most common type of breast cancer.


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True Review: Hasee Toh Phasee

Hasee Toh Phasee – Enjoy Parineeta Chopra – Dynamite of Acting

Rating: 4 Stars

Hasee Toh Phasee is a very refr...

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Top 100 Movies of All Time… By Female Directors

Everyone has lists. AFI has lists. Spike Lee has lists. Sight & Sound has lists. But in all this listmaking, more often than not, female directors get shafted. Sure, so...

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Mumbai: Rag pickers' daughter wants to complete MBA

Mumbai: The youngest daughter of scrap pickers and MBA student, Savita Doke (22), has worked hard to pursue her higher education. On the home stretch, however, she is strug...

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Pakistan highlights importance of rule of law in promoting development

UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan has stressed the link between the rule of law and sustainable development, economic growth and the eradication of poverty and hunger, as the UN ste...

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Global warming blamed for recent storms in UK

London: Met Office’s chief scientist suggests that climate change is likely to be a factor in the extreme weather that has hit much of the UK in recent months. Dame J...

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Is it necessary to take statins for preventing heart diseases?

There is a very close link between high cholesterol levels and risk of heart diseases. High cholesterol along with other risk factors like high blood pressure and obesity i...

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Eating walnuts may keep heart disease and diabetes at bay!

Are you overweight and scared of developing heart disease and diabetes? Walnuts might just be the answer to your worries. According to a study led by Dr. David Katz, direct...

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Award Winning British play HeLa now in India by QTP

QTP turns 15 this year!

Kicks off anniversary tour by bringing down…

Award-winning play HeLa, inspired by the book: Read More

Expo 2015 – Best Sustainable Development Practices in Food Security Competition

The Best Sustainable Development Practices in Food Security (BSDP) competition is part of the Expo “Feeding Knowledge” program, launched in 2012 by Expo Milano ...

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