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Male Contraceptives to Help Reduce Birth-Control Burden on Women

Females have a plethora of contraception to choose from, including long-term solutions like the IUD and the imp...

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Media Matters

These days the controversies around the media are about fake news, marketing gimmicks and overall dumbing down....

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TED talks the Audacious Project

TED, the non-profit known for its immensely popular video lectures—or TED Talks— has announced the ...

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Haidar Ali @70 & His Familial Film Heritage: A Treasure Trove

Voter-India ought to be voting Nirbhaya (unafraid) in 2018/ 2019 also for the freedom of Film India, Fashion In...

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A Chinese Farming Project offers a Sustainable Future

China is grappling with a daunting conundrum: how to feed nearly one-fifth of the world’s population with...

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Bill Gates on Improving Global Health

Bill Gates has spent much of the past decade trying to improve healthcare around the world through the Bill &am...

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#PayMeToo Campaign to close the Gender Pay Gap

April 10th was Equal Pay Day, which marks the point in the year where women in the US have to work to catch up ...

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Technology to help tackle Human Crises

Driven by war and fragile states, over 65 million people worldwide are forcibly displaced. The majority of them...

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All the World’s a Stage, Not in Mumbai Theatre at Least

Frankly, theatre didn’t prove to be that long-cherished platform to tell a story which was of some value to me – a story about a pre-teen boy who was saved from...

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Experiments with Storytelling: Meet Anuraadha Tewari

In a freewheeling conversation, Anuraadha Tewari, scree...

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