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Onsite testing of Drugs can help reduce drug-related deaths in Music Festivals

Hospital admissions down 95 percent after onsite drug testing at a festival in Cambridgeshire. According to a first of its kind academic study,...

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UN Chief calls for ‘transformative changes’ to our Food Systems

On Monday, the 10th of December - the UN Agriculture chief called upon “transformative changes” to our food systems, addressing that millions a...

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Technology, a Key Driver to close Gender-gap at Workplace

Technology is now a big part of our society and our foreseeable future. There is little room for people that wish to live without technology, and luckily, it is still advan...

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Mental Health as Important as Physical Health in the Workplace

Theresa May has been urged  by some of Britain’s leading business leaders to act on a pledge to make mental health first aid mandato...

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Pushing the Envelope on LGBTQ Cinema in India at Jio MAMI

Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival with Star in association with KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival will be organizing a panel discuss...

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Public Restrooms – Can they be an Arbiter of Gender?

Public restrooms become a battleground for the Transgender. The familiar outline of Male and Female that mark g...

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Director Alfonso Cuarón returns with Heart-breaking 'Roma'

Alfonso Cuarón’s Roma, playing at the Venice Film Festival, isn’t just his most personal film; it may be his master...

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Concerns about Sexual Assault and Harassment at Music Festivals

Music festivals are events where you can unwind, enjoy listening to performances by a variety of artists, down ...

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Sweden's Highest Peak diminishes due to Rising Temperatures

Heatwaves are gripping much of the Northern Hemisphere, with record heat recorded from Japan, to Italy, through...

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The Urgent Need to have a Conversation about Sexual Violence with Your Kids

Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein's scandal unfolded nearly a year ago. After it broke, actress Alyssa Milano...

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