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Martha Farrell Awards for Excellence in Women’s Empowerment

The Martha Farrell Awards for Excellence in Women’s E...

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Indian Premiere of ‘Evening Shadows’ in Bengaluru

The Bengaluru International Film Festival will host the Indian Premiere of award winning filmmaker Sridhar Rangayan’s feature film &ls...

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‘Evening Shadows’ to premiere at the Mardi Gras Film Festival

Award winning Indian filmmaker and gay activist Sridhar Rangayan’s narrative feature Read More

Role Reversal to address Domestic Abuse

In what countries are women and men on the most equal footing?

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Electric Women

What if the gender equation were to be reversed so that women could not just defend themselves against violent males but also overpower them...

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Has Justice for Women in India Improved?

In 1890, a case of a Bengali child bride named Phulmani, who died following brutal conjugal intercourse went to trial in the Calcutta Sessio...

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Hit and Flops 2017

There were less number of winners and more losers at the box office this year since the overall 2017 number is still about 3% behind last ye...

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Jessica Chastain on being a Spokesperson for Women in Film

An enormous talent onscreen, Jessica Chastain has become a fierce advocate for women’s rights offscreen as well. Whether on her personal Twitter account or...

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Will Bollywood open up about #MeToo?

Let's not deny the fact that there are Harvey Weinsteins in Bollywood too. Ever since the Harvey Weinstein scandal came to light about 2 months ago, sexual harassment has b...

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2017 has been a Great Year for Women in Bollywood

In recent years, we have seen an increased number of feminist films arguing for gender equality in Indian cinema. Movies like Read More