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World Report 2018: A Call to Action more essential than A Cry of Despair

The Human Rights Watch publishes an annual World Report in which the human rights records of more than ninety c...

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India spends a meagre Rs 3 a day on its Citizen's Health

A recent study conducted by the British medical journal, The Lancet,Read More

Shanghai International Film Festival: What’s Around This Year?

There are not many countries in the world with a culture as distinct as China. The country also offers the thri...

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Meet Barnali Ray Shukla; A Writer, Director and Poet

Barnali Ray Shukla dons many hats – that of a writer-director, a documentary filmmaker and a poet. She has worked in movies like <...

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Difficult Daughters

Neil Simon (along with Moliere) must be the most popular western playwright whose works are adapted (often plag...

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Digital Health: India Leads the way at the World Health Assembly

The World Health Assembly is the supreme decision-making body for World Health Organization (WHO). It generally...

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Alliances for Solidarity: India celebrates IDAHOT Day

Despite some amount of progress noted in many countries, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex peopl...

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First Period: Where Men Talk About Menstrual Hygiene

I was approached by the NGO Dasra to direct this film. They in association with the Gates Foundation were keen ...

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The Effectiveness of Life-saving Vaccines

One hundred years ago, infectious diseases were the main cause of death worldwide, even in the most developed c...

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