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Celebrities push to make 2015 year of action on poverty and climate change

Celebrities and campaigners including Matt Damon, Bill Gates, Jody Williams and Malala Yousafzai are joining forces to launch an international campaign to persuade the plan...

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Why there?s more to sustainability than 2015?s big global events

2015 promises two big milestones for sustainability: the launch of the new sustainable development goals (SDGs) in New York in Autumn, and the COP21 climate talks in Paris ...

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Why there?s more to sustainability than 2015?s big global events

2015 promises two big milestones for sustainability: the launch of the new sustainable development goals (SDGs) in New York in Autumn, and the COP21 climate talks in Paris ...

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United Nations' Decade of Education for Sustainable Development ends on December 31 this year

He years from 2005 to 2014 were declared as the United Nations General Assembly as the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) following the Johannesburg Pla...

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India Will Meet Under-Five Mortality Rate Target Of 2015: Government

NEW DELHI: Belying concerns raised by several quarters, the government asserted that the country is well on course to meet the Millennium Development Goals of achieving the...

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Big accounting firms taking the lead on sustainable development

Accountants around the world are currently considering how the organisations they work for can meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. As experts in measurement ...

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Why is the World aiming for Sustainability?

To decide the narrative for this article has been quite a task. There are so many approaches to address the issue at hand, I could have been the cynic and looked back on al...

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China's largest coal power plant violating air pollution levels every week

China?s largest coal-fired power plant has been violating national emission standards for chemicals that cause dangerous fine particulate matter pollution, official figures...

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The Year of Sustainable Development

The year 2015 will be our generation’s greatest opportunity to move the world toward sustainable development. Three high-level negotiations between July and December ...

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The Year of Sustainable Development

The year 2015 will be our generation?s greatest opportunity to move the world toward sustainable development. Three high-level negotiations between July and December can re...

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