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Gup-shup with GoPu

Noted academic, playwright, writer Govind P Deshpande (2nd August 1938 – 16th October 2013) was be...

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Review: Searching for ‘Happiness’

Originating from a conversation with his seven-year-old daughter, Suman Ghosh’s new film is an ode to the city of Kolkata, writes Read More

Tara ra pomp pomp

Khalid Mohamed attends The Big Day weddings, listens in to Martin Scorsese’s docu-interview with Fran Lebovitz and&helli...

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Exploring the Darker Side

After watching a couple of her films, Vandana Kumar believes, that it couldn’t be merely a coincidence that Isabelle Hup...

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Hindustan Unilever: Once trounced, twice humbled

HUL has been clearly outwitted by Sebamed’s ads. In the courts, Sebamed beat HUL 2-0,  writes Dr. Sandeep Goyal &nb...

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Sign of the times: Helpless Spectators

I wish I was a poet - with that, I could have unleashed my anguish and anger in verse, writes Humra Quraishi

Where Eagles Dare

People are experiences and experiences make interesting stories, says Yashika Begwani to me, writes Read More

Thank you Mr. Kamath - Better late than never!

Following the news of ASCI banning surrogate ads of 12 liquor companies, Dr. Sandeep Goyal Read More

That’s Entertainment!

How do I start writing about a man’s love affair with Hollywood and the movies? Especially when he happen...

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Signs of the time: The stream of freedom’s flood

With the passing away of writer Ved Mehta, I can only say that we have lost  not just a great writer but also a man with a definite person...

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