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Governments to take more efforts to achieve Paris Climate Goal

On 12 December 2015 in Paris, parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reached a landmark agreement to com...

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Can We Eradicate Poverty By 2030?

The poverty rate in the developing world has more than halved since 1981. Back then, 52% of people in developing countries lived on less than $...

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Vaccination is Vital to stop the spread of Disease in the Community

Even if a small number of people are left unvaccinated, it can make a big difference. This would result in the ...

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Can we save our Planet from the Hothouse Earth Scenario?

A “Hothouse Earth” climate will in the long term stabilize at a global average of 4-5°C higher ...

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Assam’s Indigenous Population Deprived of Land And Economic Space

The propaganda launched by people against the updating process of Assam’s unique National Register of Cit...

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The Risk of Financial Catastrophe due to Expensive Surgeries

For many medical conditions, surgery is the best – or in many cases – the only option available to ...

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Third Pole, World’s third-largest mass of Frozen Fresh Water in Danger

We've all heard of the North Pole and the South, the world’s two polar regions. However, there is a regio...

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Bill Gates: Tools used to measure Intangible Assets are behind Times

In a blog post published on Tuesday, Bill Gates showed a graph with the basic relationship between supply and d...

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Children with Stunted Growth endure Adverse Outcomes later in Life

According to a paper published by the World Bank, India has the third-highest proportion of workers stunted in ...

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UN helps in shaping a Sustainable Future for the Fashion Industry

The 2.5 trillion USD fashion industry plays a major role in the global economy by supporting hundreds of millio...

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