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Study reveals India lacks an estimated 600,000 doctors and 2 million nurses

India has shortage of an estimated 600,000 doctors and 2 million nurses, a recent study shows. Scientists say that this lack of staff is preven...

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There she goes… changing gears and riding bikes!

Riding motorcycles have always been the ‘men’ thing. Yet, in the last few years women have taken over to change the concept as a ge...

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Children with disabilities more exposed to abuse and violence

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet spoke at a Human Rights Council event highlighting how disabled youngsters a...

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Gender discrimination in the Sports Industry

Research from Women in Sport has found 40% of women in the sports industry face discrimination because of their sex ...

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International Women’s Day, a day for inspiration and change

International Women’s Day is celebrated across the world focusing on women’s achievements from the political to the social, while c...

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WEF data shows it will take 202 years to close the divide in the workplace

The world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, UN Global Compact’s Executive Director Lise Kingo spoke to the UN New...

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Dr. Thet Htwe: The Woman who is talking about taboos through Sex Education

Sex is a natural part of life, and it happens with or without sex education. 71% of American 19-year-olds have had intercourse. 99% of Ame...

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UN Chief calls for ‘transformative changes’ to our Food Systems

On Monday, the 10th of December - the UN Agriculture chief called upon “transformative changes” to our food systems, addressing that millions a...

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UK’s Human Rights Watchdog supports de-medicalising of the Gender Recognition Process

According to the Equality and Human Rights Commission, a person wishing to change gender doesn’t require a gender recognition certificate...

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EVENING SHADOWS screens in Amsterdam on ‘Coming Out Day’

October 11th is celebrated as Coming Out Day worldwide since 1988, underlining the most basic form of activism - coming out to family,...

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