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Presenting Gangubai: Mr. Controversy’s latest traffic-stopper?

As Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s latest offering hits the screen, Monojit Lahiri invites you to stand by for truckloads of taa...

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KAMLESH PANDEY: Ballia to Bollywood via Ishtihaarpur

Aparajita Krishna goes with adman, writer Kamlesh Pandey on a long walk through his life and career, bringing back beautiful m...

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Women in Cinema Collective: A Work In Progress

“An actress was a person who could never own herself,” writes Janaky Sreedharan in her piece about the role played...

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Facts about Indian Muslims

Humra Quraishi leans on facts and figures to draw a picture of the state of the Muslim community in India.

Starring Leela Mishra & Kanhaiyalal

Aparajita Krishna talks to eminent members of the film industry and Indian theater to explore how Leela Mishra and Kanhaiyalal...

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More Sinned Against Than Sinning!

Monojit Lahiri attempts a non-judgmental take on ‘Brand Bollywood’.

Art. Real...

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All you wanted to know about Omicron

The new variant of concern: Omicron has assumed the status of The Global ‘Scariant’ of Concern, bec...

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Double standards… all the way!

Humra Quraishi goes over the many events of recent past in which it is getting clearer by the day that the discrimination agai...

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Of Human Shields and Human Rights

In light of recent events in Srinagar’s Hyderpora in Kashmir, where it is alleged that civilians were used as human shields, Humr...

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Hinduism, not Hindutva, was Nehru’s idea of India

Let us not be in any illusion. Being complacent basis the belief that there’s any sensitivity left in the discourse would be wrong, write...

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