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Rising joblessness exacerbates homelessness, while educational and political controversies undermine trust. A call for genuine governance and a...

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Aparajita Krishna writes,35 years after it lit India’s television screen and cinema, I am herei...

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K.K RAINA: The Act of Life!

Aparajita Krishna walks down the road, which brought writer, director, actor K.K. Raina, from his homeland Kashmir to Mumbai, ...

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When stories divide…

Humra Quraishi expresses her apprehensions about the divisive politics being played today and what is means for the India...

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Winds of Change in Uttar Pradesh

Subhashini Ali analyses the political scenario in Uttar Pradesh, soon going to elections, and finds that the winds of change seem imminent.


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Those were the days

Listening to music on the terrace to while away long, lonely evenings, the comp came up with the song, Those were the days my friend, we though...

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Radical and Revolutionary: Smruti Koppikar

In this interview with Vinta Nanda, Smruti Koppikar throws light on the way that journalism in India has chan...

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Return of the Migrant Worker

Approximately 30 lakhs migrant workers have returned to Mumbai to earn a daily living, out of sheer helplessness, writes Khalid Mohamed...

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COVID-19: The hour of reckoning

Anupama Mandloi writes about how the Mumbai based organization YUVA, has engineered itself to help the disadvantaged during th...

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If I were a migrant worker

Vinta Nanda, inspired by a conversation with her friend K’ab, wonders how it would be if we were to be ...

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