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PG Digging-Bombay Ishtyle!

Aparajita Krishna remembers being a Paying Guest once, she recalls the famous Ganga Vihar through talks with famous residents ...

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Facts about Indian Muslims

Humra Quraishi leans on facts and figures to draw a picture of the state of the Muslim community in India.

All you wanted to know about Omicron

The new variant of concern: Omicron has assumed the status of The Global ‘Scariant’ of Concern, bec...

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Shakespeare in Bollywood

Shakespeare travels, writes Farrukh Dhondy, in his piece on how well and how not so well the bard’s writing has been ada...

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The recently concluded 4th edition of the Telangana Bengali Film Festival brought to the limelight exciting new talent. Shantanu Ray Ch...

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Double standards… all the way!

Humra Quraishi goes over the many events of recent past in which it is getting clearer by the day that the discrimination agai...

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A Faust for Bangladesh

Farrukh Dhondy at his best as he recounts the attempt he once made to adapt Goethe’s Faust for the Bangladeshi screen. Read More

Signs of the time: The trauma generation

Humra Quraishi looks into reports, that are available, to find out about the fears and anxieti...

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Times of Indian Politics

Farrukh Dhondy makes an attempt to understand Indian Politics in context to the self-imploding ideology of Hindutva

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Signs of the time: About Indian Muslims

It’s about time we look into our backyards! And not ignore the murky events taking place there and along the by-lanes of our mohallas and...

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