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Soumitra Chatterjee: A Filmmaker Remembers

In a freewheeling conversation with Anuradha Warrier, critically-acclaimed director Suman Ghosh talks about his forthcoming bo...

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Facts about Indian Muslims

Humra Quraishi leans on facts and figures to draw a picture of the state of the Muslim community in India.

“Who says only Bollywood songs are gold?!” – Gulzar

As Bollywood’s undisputed Poet Laureate moves from strength to strength, Monojit Lahiri recalls some amazing conversatio...

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Bully Bai and the mainstreaming of hate

Humra  Quraishi questions hate politics and the utter disregard for the Constitution of India by the fringe that is being...

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If I Am, So God Must Be!

Humra Quraishi discusses the absence of God in the Hindutva narrative of 2021, that threatened minorities and denied to India ...

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Kitu Gidwani: Distinctly Yours!

Aparajita Krishna flashbacks and forward with the life and times of Kitu Gidwani – an actor with, perhaps, the most well...

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And a New Year is about to begin…

It is the good times of the past that inspire us to look forward to the coming year, for there is little in the events of 2021 that give any co...

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Of egoistic Indian men and Mulk Raj Anand

Humra Quraishi remembers Mulk Raj Anand on his birth anniversary and what he had said about Indian men consumed by superiority...

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A look at Janani's Juliet

Pankaj Rishi Kumar’s documentary film was India’s official entry to the Academy Awards. It tackles socio-political realities throug...

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The Unending Tragedy

Humra Quraishi views the conditions prevailing for the convicted and undertrials in Kashmir through the lens of writings about...

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