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So long, farewell, it’s hard to say goodbye…

I’m a writer, but I am at a complete loss of words when expressing the pain I’m feeling after losing my best friend Rajiv Kapoor, w...

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Voices we miss

Film historian Dhruv Somani, chronicles the popular film playback singers, who are rarely heard today.

Hope Factory: Business Ideas For Everyone

Vinta Nanda chats with Tarun Agarwal, author of Hope Factory: Business Ideas For Everyone, about his latest book and other thi...

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Mush do about something

Khalid Mohamed reviews the pleasant-enough road movie Kilometers and Kilometers from Kerala, the brain-bashing ode to violence...

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Give peace a chance

Khalid Mohamed in conversation with the eminent filmmaker and documentarist Ramesh Sharma on his new feature-length documentar...

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Right at the Centre: Anuradha SenGupta

Anuradha SenGupta’s introduction of herself as a professional, best summarizes her writes Aparajita Krishna  Read More

Where Eagles Dare

People are experiences and experiences make interesting stories, says Yashika Begwani to me, writes Read More

CRISPR: The Genetic Scissors Natural V/s Unnatural

CRISPR can help the cacao to become infection resistant and save it from extinction – so that we do not h...

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Brand Biden: Old, but likeable & trustworthy

Dr. Sandeep Goyal tells about Ipsos, the market research agency that ran a brand check on Mr. ...

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Uff, that dance of chaos

Khalid Mohamed reviews the political askew Tandav, the heart-tugging Tribhanga and the pertine...

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